Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Daily youtube - Make a Move - Royal Tailor

This is the music video I was talking about. I absolutely love this song and the band and they are a christian group.

Daily Youtube - Gravity (Pulling Heaven Down)

I know its not a music video but this is one of my favorite songs.  I will post another video in a minute that is acctually a music video.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Daily Youtube - Never going back to "OKAY" - The Afters

I love this song and the video. I didn't watch the whole video though, I know what your thinking "you didn't even watch the whole video and recommending it to people?" I know its a little backwards, but I love this song so I thought I would put it on my blog.

Until next time,
Jeus Freak

Friday, March 23, 2012


Well, I like history and hate grammar. Wednesday I could concentrate on grammar a lot better than j could concentrate on history. And today I can't concentrate on history at all. It kinda stinks because I need to do my chapter review and take my test. After I do that I have some more school work I have to do an then I have a science test to take. Doesn't It sound fun? No, actually it's quite boring.

Until next time,
Jesus Freak

Fw: New Message

This means alexis will be grumpy this afternoon

Fw: New Message

Wednesday, March 21, 2012 is a photo editing site. It will be shut down in April though. Since they aren't going to be around for very much longer they are letting everyone have free full memberships. Above this post is a picture, the original and the crazy wacky version that I made. It is a very nice website and very well set up and orginized unlike my blog.

Daily Youtube - Fee - Makes Beauty Out of Wally's Pain

This video is funny and also stupid. There is a series of this video's on youtube. You can pull up this video on youtube and after it has played it will suggest more video's to you from this series. Thanks for reading and enjoy the video.

Until next time,
Jesus Freak

Disclamer: I do not claim any media content as my own. All content of this video belongs to Fee and Total Axcess.

Daily Youtube - Cory Asbury - Never Going to leave me dry live @ onething 2011

Well, as many of you may know I went to IHOP's Onething 2011 Conference. I was looking on for a song by Cory Asbury for today's Youtube Video. I came across this video by Cory Asbury live from the Onething conference that I went to and he performed at. I hope that you enjoy this video!

until next time,
Jesus Freak

School work

Well at the moment I am bored out of my mind cause I am trying to think of the answer to a question on the last page of my six page grammar test. But I have to take it because I want to have proper grammar. So I am stuck with it for now.

Until later,
Jesus Freak

Monday, March 19, 2012

A really funny drama cover by The Reality Fun Team

Well Katie, Dayna, Chris, Hannah, Daelyn, and Me make up The Reality Fun Team. We were practicing drama's that our youth group's drama team does which is The Reality Drama Team. So since we were technically doing covers for the dramas we had to come up with a different name for the drama team because we were just part of it. So  I came up with The Reality Fun Team and I said Fun Team because we had alot of fun doing it.
Sorry for the low quality of this video.

All content of this post is
© copyright to Jesus Freak Blog and Kristian Loury Photography
Please do not save to your personal device. You may share this video
online as long as it is linked to this website.
Thanks have a nice day,
Jesus Freak

If you can not find this video on my blog or doesn't play in your browser you can look it up on under the cure by The Reality Fun Team.

New ads

Want to know why I have ads on my blog now? Well I was working on my blog and saw the widgit that said get paid to have a blog so I signed up and for every click on it I get paid a little amount of money on my grandma's paypal account that can be used on ebay,, or almost any online shoping website. If you don't like the change then let me know and I will put less ads on. Oh, and before I forget, the widgit is called AdSense for accounts

unbreakable - fireflight

I love this song!
p.s. For anyone who hasn't heard of this band they are a christian group

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I never knew it would take so long

Well in January I gave my sister my iPod Touch and since then I haven't had an MP3 Player since. So the other day me and my bands lead singer struck a deal. I have a really nice phone I don't use and she has a 2nd Generation iPod Touch. So I sent her a text and said "do you remember that phone that you offered to buy?" And she said, "Yes I do, Why?" so I said "would you like to trade it for your iPod?" and she said, "Yes." So tonight when I get to reality which is the youth center we go to, we are trading devices. The only problemo is she doesn't have any cases for it. So if anyone has a case that they could sell me for it then I would appreciate it.

-Thanks for reading

Music ubsessed,
Jesus Freak