Saturday, December 31, 2011

4:48 AM IHOP day

Still can't get to sleep and have 3 other guys sleeping with no trouble. I guess I shouldn't have had a large mocha shake at 6 yesterday evening with my diner. Listening to IHOP on the IHOP app on my iPod touch. Like I have said like 10 times I am very excited because I have never been to the IHOP one thing conference. My sister went last year but that was before I was in the youth group so I didn't get to go :(

Friday, December 30, 2011


Today at 2 o'clock in the afternoon for Kansas city, mo. We got to the hotel about 9:30 or 10:00 pm and spent an hour helping Matthew try to calm down ryan and then Nathan got Ryan out of the van at the hotel and he stopped crying. Then we went up to one of our rooms and ducussed the room arrangements and then went down stairs and got our bags from the van and went to the rooms. Then Lucas, Derek, and me went to the pool even though I wasn't suppose to go to the pool because people under 13 aren't suppose to swim after 10 pm and it was 10:10 pm and swam 'til about 10:30 then came. Back to our room and Derek, Chris, Lucas, and me did some push-ups and ab workouts. So I will probably be really sore tomorrow at the IHOP conference. Will hopefully be able to post more about our trip that is lasting until Sunday. Have an all day conference at IHOP tomorrow and have never been to IHOP. Really looking forward to it and will post more later